D-32760 Detmold (Germany) phone + 49-5231- 953-00 TECHNICAL DETAIL fax + 49-5231- 953-108 Waterproofing a base slab and walls below email export@schomburg.de Drawing BCP365-01A. Version www.schomburg.com1.0, Created: 9/2/21 Drawn by: EK Contact Aquafin Technical Support for questions and product support
Not to Scale
Inc. Technical DrawingAQUAFIN, 5.10.01a 5.10.01b
505 Blue Ball Rd., #160, Elkton, MD 21921 Toll Free: 1-866-AQUAFIN web: www.aquafin.net
Waterproofing a base slab and walls below ground
Reinforced concretewith withBETOCRETE-C BETOCRETE-CP365-CI Reinforced concrete Construction joint waterproofing with Waterstop-Strip Construction joint waterproofing with AQUAFIN-CJ6
Mud slab
Blinding concrete
The purchaser’s rights in regards to products quality are based on our sales and delivery terms. This technical drawing is strictly an example illustration and is not claimed to be exhautive. It is the user’s responsibility to consult local building codes and regulations before carrying out any product applications. This version is no longer valid with the publication of a new version. Always check our website for the most current valid version under www.schomburg.com. 14/17 PZ/KD/KK
D-32760 Detmold (Germany) phone + 49-5231- 953-00 TECHNICAL DETAIL fax + 49-5231- 953-108 Waterproofing a base slab and walls below email export@schomburg.de Drawing BCP365-01B. Version 1.0, Created: 9/2/21 Drawn by: EK www.schomburg.com Contact Aquafin Technical Support for questions and product support
Inc. Technical DrawingAQUAFIN, 5.10.01b
fax fax +Detmold +49-523149-5231953-108 953-108 D-32760 (Germany) email email export@schomburg.de export@schomburg.de phone + 49-5231- 953-00 TECHNICAL DETAIL www.schomburg.com www.schomburg.com fax + 49-5231- 953-108 Waterproofing elevator pits Not to Scale email export@schomburg.de Drawing BCP365-02. Version 1.0, Created: 9/2/21 Drawn by: EK www.schomburg.com
Technical TechnicalDrawing Drawing5.10.02 5.10.02 AQUAFIN, Inc. Technical Drawing 5.10.01b
Waterproofing Waterproofinglift liftpits pits Waterproofing a base slab and walls below ground
Contact Aquafin Technical Support for questions and product support
Reinforced Reinforcedconcrete concretewith withBETOCRETE-C BETOCRETE-C
Reinforced concretewith withBETOCRETE-C BETOCRETE-CP365-CI Reinforced concrete
Construction Constructionjoint jointwaterproofing waterproofingwith withAQUAFIN-CJ6 AQUAFIN-CJ6
Construction joint waterproofing with Waterstop-Strip Construction joint waterproofing with AQUAFIN-CJ6 Blinding Blindingconcrete concrete
The Thepurchaser’s purchaser’srights rightsin inregards regardstotoproducts productsquality qualityare arebased basedononour oursales salesand anddelivery deliveryterms. terms.This Thistechnical technicaldrawing drawingis isstrictly strictlyananexample exampleillustration illustrationand andis isnotnot claimed claimedtotobebeexhautive. exhautive.It Itis isthetheuser’s user’sresponsibility responsibilitytotoconsult consultlocal localbuilding buildingcodes codesand andregulations regulationsbefore beforecarrying carryingoutoutany anyproduct productapplications. applications.This Thisversion versionis isnono longer longervalid validwith withthethepublication publicationofofa anew newversion. version.Always Alwayscheck checkour ourwebsite websiteforforthethemost mostcurrent currentvalid validversion versionunder underwww.schomburg.com. www.schomburg.com. The purchaser’s rights in regards to products quality are based on our sales and delivery terms. This technical drawing is strictly an example illustration and is not 14/17 14/17 PZ/KD/KK PZ/KD/KK claimed to be exhautive. It is the user’s responsibility to consult local building codes and regulations before carrying out any product applications. This version is no longer valid with the publication of a new version. Always check our website for the most current valid version under www.schomburg.com. 14/17 PZ/KD/KK
D-32760 Detmold (Germany) fax + 49-5231- 953-108 phone + 49-5231- 953- 00 email export@schomburg.de TECHNICAL DETAIL 953-108 fax + 49-5231www.schomburg.com email export@schomburg.de Waterproofing a water tank Not to Scale Drawing BCP365-03. Version 1.0, Created: 9/2/21 Drawn by: EK www.schomburg.com
Technical Drawing 5.10.03 AQUAFIN, Inc. Technical Drawing 5.10.01b
Waterproofing a water tank Waterproofing a base slab and walls below ground
Reinforced concrete with BETOCRETE-C
Reinforced concretewith withBETOCRETE-C BETOCRETE-CP365-CI Reinforced concrete Construction joint waterproofing with AQUAFIN-CJ6
Construction joint waterproofing with Waterstop-Strip Construction joint waterproofing with AQUAFIN-CJ6 Blinding concrete
The purchaser’s rights in regards to products quality are based on our sales and delivery terms. This technical drawing is strictly an example illustration and is not claimed to be exhautive. It is the user’s responsibility to consult local building codes and regulations before carrying out any product applications. This version is no longer valid withrights the publication new version. checkonour for delivery the most terms. currentThis valid versiondrawing under www.schomburg.com. The purchaser’s in regards of to aproducts qualityAlways are based ourwebsite sales and technical is strictly an example illustration and is not claimed to be exhautive. It is the user’s responsibility to consult local building codes and regulations before carrying out any product applications. This version is no 14/17 PZ/KD/KK longer valid with the publication of a new version. Always check our website for the most current valid version under www.schomburg.com. 14/17 PZ/KD/KK
phone + 49-5231- 953-00 D-32760 Detmold (Germany) fax + 49-5231- 953-108 phone + 49-5231- 953-00 TECHNICAL email export@schomburg.de fax + DETAIL 49-5231- 953-108 www.schomburg.com email export@schomburg.de Waterproofing a retaining wall Not to Scale Drawing BCP365-04. Version 1.0, Created: 9/2/21 Drawn by: EK www.schomburg.com Contact Aquafin Technical Support for questions and product support
Technical Drawing 5.10.04 AQUAFIN, Inc. Technical Drawing 5.10.01b
Waterproofing a retaining wall Waterproofing a base slab and walls below ground
Construction joint waterproofing with AQUAFIN-CJ6 Construction joint waterproofing with AQUAFIN-CJ6
Construction joint waterproofing with Waterstop-Strip Mud slab
The purchaser’s rights in regards to products quality are based on our sales and delivery terms. This technical drawing is strictly an example illustration and is no claimed to be exhautive. is the user’s to consult local building codes and regulations carrying out any The purchaser’s rights in regards to products quality areIt based on ourresponsibility sales and delivery terms. This technical drawing is strictly anbefore example illustration andproduct is not applications. This version i longer valid with the publication a new version. Always our website the most valid version under This www.schomburg.com. claimed to be exhautive. It is the user’s responsibility to consult of local building codes and check regulations before for carrying outcurrent any product applications. version is no longer valid with the publication of a new version. Always check our website for the most current valid version under www.schomburg.com.
14/17 14/17 PZ/KD/KK