

Fast setting waterproof repair & sealing mortar

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Product details


MORTAR-IC is a cementitious, ready-mixed waterproof repairing and sealing mortar. It consists of rapid setting Portland cement, specially treated quartz sand and a compound of active chemicals which resist positive or negative side water pressure.

MORTAR-IC contains active waterproofing chemicals which react with moisture and free lime in the mortar and concrete, creating insoluble crystalline complexes. These crystalline complexes, similar to a gel which grows in the presence of water, block the capillaries of the MORTAR-IC and minor shrinkage cracks, thus preventing water ingress. Chemical activation begins when the MORTAR-IC powder is mixed with water and may take several days to completely block the capillaries depending on ambient temperature and environmental conditions. The waterproofing chemicals remain active for the life of the structure, permanently sealing it from water penetration.


  • NSF/ANSI Standard 61 approved for potable water
  • Applied to the positive or negative water pressure side of a structure
  • Resists strong hydrostatic pressure
  • Post sealing effect of shrinkage cracks up to 1/64” (0.4mm) together with AQUAFIN-IC
  • Easy to use - needs only to be mixed with water prior to application
  • Not a vapor barrier, lets concrete “breathe”
  • Can be skim coated or feather edged
  • Applied to moist concrete
  • No odor - no fumes, inorganic - no polymers.

Typical Applications

  • Installation of seal strips (reglets and coves) at joints to assure water tightness
  • Patching of tie holes and faulty construction joints
  • Filling of routed out cracks
  • Waterproof sacking of concrete "bugholes"
  • Repairing of spalled and honeycombed areas
Article-No. Packaging size Unit/Pallet
21CG-050B 50 lb/bag 48

